As a WOC, a Vietnamese born and raised in France, it’s important for me to voice my support to the Black Community during this time. It means to recognize my privilege before anything all that comes from this -bullshit- model minority which been pinned on our community for many decades. This model minority thing was way for white people to play asians against black people. With that in mind, I have to admit that there are so much situations they face on a daily basis that I will never live. I will never know what it feels like to walk on the street in fear. I will never be followed in a store because I’m suspected of stealing. I will never be ID checked because of the color of my skin. I won’t struggle as much as a black person to get a job or a home. I will never be KILLED because of the color of my skin. I understand that I will never understand. It’s not because it doesn’t happen to you that it doesn’t AT ALL. It’s so sad that it’s still happening in fucking 2020. That’s why we have to be the change we want to see right now.
As an asian, I should also acknowledge the racism against black people that exists within my community. Colorism is still very present in Asia, why ? You name it, racism. Closing my eyes on it would make me a part of the problem.
Once we are aware of that, what do we do ? Listen, educate yourself, be a part of the change. The recent events have been a hurtful awakening for a lot of us. Even though it keeps happening for way too long now in the US, in France and so on. Police brutality, institutionalized racism, white supremacy... all of this is real and needs to stop.
Here’s concrete things you can do right now : donate (if you can), sign petitions, protest, talk about it with family or friends. I know it can be uncomfortable to have these conversations. I’m not good at confrontation and voicing my opinion with a person that I know will be closed to what I have to say.
You can find all the ressources about what you can do for the black community on the Black Lives Matter website.
Black Lives Matter . Black Queer Lives Matter . Black Trans Lives Matter . All Black Lives Matter Always .
And because music is the best language of all, let me share a lil playlist that maybe will make you understand better this situation :
Kendrick Lamar - Alright
Childish Gambino - This Is America
Beyoncé - Formation
Jorja Smith - Blue Lights
Beyoncé ft Kendrick Lamar - Freedom
Polishes I used :
Mavala : Black Oyster
White Polish
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